EZ 1 Rate - Advantage America - Easy Step Solutions
This company states they are not involved in the fraudalent grant liars but hear the recording for grant in the background, ripoff

Education & Science

After being ripped off by Advantage America for 299.95 or known as Easy step Solutions. I recieved a thank you bill from this company stating that I would be charged 19.95 and then 49.95 after I recieved my ten day long distance for free.

I called to find out how they were going to charge my bill and I heard a automation of the grant people from Advantage America in the background. These people stated that they were not affiliated with this company that they bought advertisement with them and that the company was having some problems.

Since they did take off my charges I am not reporting them because of that: I report them because they choose to be involved in any way with the fraudelent company Advantage America/Easy Step Solutions. I explained to this person that I couldn't believe they would continue to be sponsored or advertised with these frauds and she didn't have much to say. Earned them a spot and so will any company I find that is involved in any way.


Company: EZ 1 Rate - Advantage America - Easy Step Solutions
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Carson City
Address: 2050 Russett Way Suite 151
Phone: 8009238939
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Advantage America - Easy Step Solutions
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Advantage America
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