CCS/CCA Credit Services
They almost got me too. Consumer fraud ripoff

Education & Science

I dont know what amazes me more, the number of responses of whis website about the "company" or the fact they are still in business.By the sounds of it, what they are doing is nothing more than theft, plain and simple.

I used to live in Las Vegas, so I supposed that was where they had gotten my name. After reading the material, it sounded OK, except for the exclusive shopping network part. As a web developer, I put great stock in a companies website, and how professional it appears. I was also curious about the so-called "great deals"

Never found a website. All I did find was this one, and let me say thank you guys ever so much for having it up. I nearly fell into this hellhole of a trap. I have a hard enough time keeping money in my account without frauds like this trying to take more of it.

I am sure many have done the same, but I am defintely going to gather as much as I can and submit it to the BBB as well as any other interested leagal organization. These people are crooks, and should rot in jail, if not hell.

Nashville, Tennessee

Company: CCS/CCA Credit Services
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 61 W. Utah Ste 63
Phone: 8007171278
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