Advantage America
Ripoff, fraud, scam

Education & Science

I received a phone call at 10:00 a. M PST from a company claiming to be Advantage America. I spoke with two different people, both of whom spoke such poor English that I couldn't understand them. I finally understood them to say that I had been qualifed by the U.S. Government to receive $12,500 in grants because I am a legal taxpayer. This sounded pretty fishy, so I asked them for their corporate ID, address, telephone number and how they got my name and number. They gave me their phone number, but just kept repeating that they represented the U.S. Government. I hung up on them, but looked them up here and I see that this is a definite fraud and a way to extort money. Since they are claiming to represent the U.S. Government, I am surprised that the Fed's aren't pursuing this. If you hear from them, hang up. They will get your bank account number and start charging you for stuff you don't want or need.

Company: Advantage America
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8665037345
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