LVAAP Las Vegas Actionable Awards Program
LVAAP Or Las Vegas Actionable Awards Program mail fraud RIPOFF

Education & Science

If you've recieved a letter from these scam artists, PLEASE report it to the Las Vegas Postal Inspector at (702) 796-5272!

I cannot understand how the the post office has been unable to catch these crooks! The post office was the one who issued them the pre-paid return address envelopes and the post office is the one who puts the mail in P.O. Box 98835! SOMEONE has to be collecting everyone's $20.00 and SOMEONE has to be paying rent on the P.O. Box. I cannot fathom why this illegal operation is still in business.

Did you know that they have been doing this since October and the post ofice has been aware of it since that time?

I just don't get it. Be sure to call (702) 796-5272 and give them a piece of your mind.

How about a class action lawsuit against Actionable Awards Program AND the post office? This has to stop right now!
Take care

Company: LVAAP Las Vegas Actionable Awards Program
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.O. Box 98835
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Las Vegas Actionable Awards Program
Fraudulent mail sweepstakes scam call the postal inspector for that Las Vegas post office at (702) 796-5272 and report the crime

LVAAP Or Las Vegas Actionable Awards Program
LVAAP AKA: Las Vegas Actionable Awards Program Where to report these crooks! Lvaap


Las Vegas Actionable Awards Program
Chapter of las vegas actionable rip-off award

LVAAP Las Vegas Actionable Award Program
LVAAP / Las Vegas Actionable Award Program ripoff Thank GOD for ripoff report

Las Vegas, Actionable Awards Program Lvaap
Lvaap las vegas actionable awards program ripoff money scammers

Las Vegas Nevada Actionable Awards Program A.k.a. (LVAAP)
Las Vegas Nevada Actionable Awards Program a.K.A. LVAAP - what a scam! Takes innocent, vulnerable people and rips them off!

Las Vegas, Nevada Actionable Award Program - LVAAP - NBPI

LVAAP, Las Vegas Actionableaward Program
LVAAP, Las Vegas Actionable award Program ripoff

LVAAP - Las Vegas, Nevada Actionable Award Program
LVAAP Las Vegas, Nevada Actionable Award Program Fraudulent award company ripoff