James Madison High School
Ripoff, After sending a 10.00 money order required for the schooling at home, no books or nothing from the past 3 months

Education & Science

To Whom This May Concern:

I sent you all a 10.00 money order to put me in your system and here I have set and waited for the past 3 months and to no avail.

NO BOOKS, ACCESSORIES, or NOTHING and how can you expect somebody to study with no books? I want my damn money back as soon as possible!!!

I dont appreciate being taken advantage of especially when it comes to my education and my money. You all would have more customers if you treat them with honor and not backstab them.

Or not take their money for your own personal use.
Look on the internet what people say about them you would want to change your way of doing things and your business. You guys are all over the fraud report from different people. The tv stations and the radios will get a copy of the way you are doing people.

Company: James Madison High School
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Address: 430 Technology Parkway
Phone: 7707298400
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James Madison High School
Not only is this school a total Scam - They are also taking money you work hard for Norcross

Bottom Line Books
Receiving Books I did not order

Dan Wyman Books
Great service, prices a little high

Valore Books, LLC
Don't Sell Textbooks Back to Valore Books

Beginning Readers Program
Rip-off keep sending me books I didn't order billing me for them then sending me to collections

Bottom Line Books
They sent me books as to which I did not order

Retrieval masters creditors bureau inc TRYING TO MAKE ME PAY WHEN I SENT THESE BACK

Bottom Line Books
Mailed me some books that I hadn't ordered, with a bill for $47.94 Des Moines Iowa

PCDI - James Madison High School

Scholastic Books
Grolier Books Unauthorized Charges on my Visa From Scholastic Books