Internation Library Of Photography - Circle Of Photographers
Ripoff artist has a canadian counterpart & Ontario Canada

Education & Science

I recently entered a photo contest via the internet and was enformed by email in under 24 hours that my one photograph I had entered was choosen as a semi-finalist (Circle of Photgraphers).

Two weeks later I received a letter from The Inetrnational Library of Photography telling me my other picture was a semi-finalist. Both these organization said the same thing send money and we will send you a gorgeous book and a plaque of your photograph.

When I tried to find a phone number using the internet white and yellow pages none could be found for either organization. I even did a special Canadian Business's search for Circle Photography with no results.

Everyone said if my photography was being published I should get a copy of the book for free not have to pay for it. So I decided before I sent any money to do an internet search on International Library of Photography and came up with nothing. My local librarian suggested checking through the Better Business Bureau site and suddenly I found a whole lot of complaints starting back in 2001.

I'm not going to get ripped-off because I'm listening to the warnings everyone else has posted. Thanks. But I did want to make everyone aware that these people are still at it and now also have a Canadian branch.

Company: Internation Library Of Photography - Circle Of Photographers
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Owings Mills
Address: Suite 101, 3600 Crodall Lane
Phone: 4103634800
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The International Library Of Photography
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