
Education & Science

This sight was made to where you could get a 5 dollar laptop, then recently they shut the website down for no aparent reason, the whole thing was a big old scam, now there is no way to to take any type of legal action against them.

Company: Ezlaptop.com
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: St. Louis
Site: www.ezlaptop.com
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Ripoff, I think I shut them down!

Ezlaptop - ezlaptop.com
Ripoff, scam, fraudsters, etc

Ripoff never received laptop Interent

EZlaptop.com ripoff $5 laptop no support no contact Internet

EZLAPTOP.com Ban this idiot Karlton Form this site. Ezlaptop.com Ripoff

Ripoff Internet

Hi, ezlaptop.com is the scam website and they were offering a free laptop for reading useless emails. They were not offering the any lapto even after redeeming the laptop. This scam is supported by

EZ Laptop - Ezlaptop.com
Reading 195 emails for a free laptop, then they changed the terms to be entered into a contest

EZLaptop.com - Producttestpanel.com
EZLaptop.com ripoff, website closed down, no product delivered ebay auction. Producttestpanel.com will be starting up where EZLaptop.com left off

Ezlaptop - Ezlaptop.com
Failed to answer emails failed to provide laptop as promised. Unable to stop receiving emails from them about newsletters