Excited Rip-off

Education & Science

I received in the mail today a letter saying I had infact won 3,341, 006.00 dollars at which were unclaimed as well as my name being in the NO. 1 spot. At the top it stated "you are officially sworn to secrecy absolutely confidential". I began looking for a phone number or web address but found nothing.

So then I became very suspicious so I went on-line to find anything on this so called company for something ligit and found it was a scam. So thanks to this web site and my cautious attitude I was able to save my money and time not being fooled by this company.

So thanks again to this web site all you people out there reporting this it saved me some trouble. Thanks!!!

Company: Lvaap
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: PO BOX 98855
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Ripoff Resrtictive Tell nobody! Send $20 to get $3,341, 006.00

Las Vegas, Nevada Actionable Award Program ripoff, scam artist, fraud

Rip off

Ripoff, scam

Thanks to this Internet site I was saved me from being ripped off, moments before mailing my check to them. Ripoff!

LVAAP, Las Vegas Nevada Actionable Award Program

Ripoff, guaranteed over 3 million dollars if I send 20$ to release the money, thank goodness I looked the Company up on the internet to see that they were fraudulant

Las Vegas, Nevada Actionable Award Program
LVAAP Response of Record Ripoff directed to Director's Office

Scam sweepstakes money is a fake! Ripoff

Las Vegas Actionable Award Program - LVAAP
Las Vegas Actionable Award Program LVAAP sent me a letter Absolutely Confidential asking me to send them a $20 fee to receive $3,341, 006.00 in US Money