Global Resources
Ripoff Fraudulent Prepaid Cell Phone Business Opportunity

Education & Science

Global Resources promises extreme profits at very little effort by the "distributer". They are very crafty at making it sound like they have developed a good business plan and claim to have relationships with several major corporations. They attempt to upsale their distributers to corporate accounts such as Kroger and Wal-Mart with the hopes of greater profits. They have taken people for as little as $5000.00 towell over $100,000.00.

Do not let them fool you. They have a poor report with the BBB and, more importantly, are being investigated by Mr Charles Bronson, Commissioner of Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services. I have been told that the FTC is starting to investigate as well.

For those of you who have already invested in this company, first call Global Resources Customer Service and request your money back, then send the the Certified Letter requesting your money. When both of those avenues come up empty, then you should file a report with the Division of Consumer Services in Florida and with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Division of Consumer Services
Phone #1-800-435-7352
Web Address—

Web Address— http://www.ftc. Gov/

If enough complaints occur and the government responds, hopefully they can freeze Global's bank accounts soon enough and we can receive our money back.

Company: Global Resources
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: North Miami
Address: 12550 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 704
Phone: 8005957331
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Global Resources Inc
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Global Resources Inc
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