NHCD - National Healthcare Discount
Unfair Business Practices, Setting up people to fail. Shameful to collect money from poor folks looking to earn a decent income. Kansas City

Education & Science

I am a former "employee" of NHCD. I was with the company as a recruiter for several months in 2004. Because of the constant refusal of prospects to sign on, I became unsure of my ability's in the business world.

This has affected my future greatly. Before I signed onto NHCD, I had been recruiting for an International Wellness Company. I thought I could use my free time to make extra money. Over the course of time while employed by NHCD I don't think I earned $100.00.

I remember getting checks for $15.00 for a full weeks work. I put in at least 4-5 hours per day. And I worked on week-ends to not only service my prospects, but to be involved if there were contests announced.

Unfortunately, when I did sign people up and met my quota, I was later informed via email, there weren't enough recruiters participating so the contest was cancelled. This is after working my butt off! If I had back that precious time I wasted, I would put it to good use.

And more importantly I could live with myself. I am ashamed that I bent over backwards to contact propects, and because I was a pretty good recruiter I got some people to sign on. I hope they'll forgive me. And I hope they didn't go hungry or pay an important bill "late" because of the $74.00 I talked them into spending.

This was my job... I am so ashamed of being connected to this company. People are "trained" to recruit unsuspecting victims. I was part of a deceitful and unfeeling, and poorly organized company. (The loop holes that company's find is outrageous, and I'm sure they've got themselves covered.)

If you read this, I hope you can spread the word that NCHD makes money stepping over peoples backs! I am hopeful I will be hearing from others who have had this unfortunate experience.

Lets hope the people we "talked into signing" forgive Us, and have found great jobs with honest company's that have their employees best interests at heart.

By the way, I myself lost time away from my family, friends, and my home business. It was a loss all around as far as I'm concerned. It was the worst business experience in my life, and I am middle-aged. Beware of people who promise you an income from home, and it sounds "too good" to be true. It usually is!
Former NHCD "duped" employee.

Company: NHCD - National Healthcare Discount
Country: USA
Site: nhcdonline.com
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