Capital Credit Alliance

Education & Science

I examined my bank statement and found a $249.99 preauthorized direct debit that I DID NOT authorize. I have no idea how this company got my information. I called my bank and they advised to me to contact the company first.

I called the 800 number 3 times and could not get a live body on the phone. On a whim I did a YAHOO search and typed in the phone number. I found this website for RIP off report and saw that I was one of many victims. This site told me what steps to take. I am very glad I came accross it!

I called my bank back and they immediately took my statement and are sending me an affidavit to sign so that they can refund my money. It will take up to 20 days though.

I am going to check the ATTY Generals site to see how I can file a complaint.

Company: Capital Credit Alliance
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.O. Box 46101
Phone: 8007604045
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Capital Credit Alliance, (CCA)
You Saved Me From Capital Credit Alliance, ripoff CCA! Thanks!

Capital Credit Alliance
File a report against them

Capital Credit Alliance
CCA, ripoff

Capital Credit Alliance
Capital credit alliance wrongfully took money out of my checking account

Capital Credit Alliance Inc
Ripped off by Capital Credit Alliance is taking money without permission!

Alliance Charge
Consumer Report

Alliance Charge
Consumer Report

Capital Credit Alliance
CCA aka First National Credit Ripoff

Capital Credit Alliance Aka CCA
Capital Credit Alliance, CCA/First National CreditCapital Credit Alliance ripoff consumer fraud ripoff

Capital Credit Alliance, (Cca)
Capital credit alliance, cca dirty rip-off bastards!