Peepchick - Bidbag
Ripoff Please anyone tempted by the fake louis they shove in your face, DON'T DO IT!

Education & Science

I placed an order with these guys. All was well until it arrived. Two out of my three items were completely wrong. After e-mailing on numerous occasions I finally got a reply which I was so not impressed with.
They just didn't care; it obviously was a regular occurance with them. The way I ever found out about this site was extremely suspicious. I should have listened to my insticts because now I have been royally ripped off.
I will be seeking legal advice so I'll see what happens and let you all know of our options.

Please anyone tempted by the fake louis they shove in your face, DON'T DO IT. When it arrives you will be so disapointed as it's the worst knockoffs I've ever seen and I've been to thailand so that's saying something; the logos are upside down.

gold coast

Company: Peepchick - Bidbag
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
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Peepchick Corp
Bidbag Charged me 7.00 for shipping a keychain that only cost. 60 cents to ship
Ripoff-known scam-will not send our the correct items and then will email you telling you that he screwed you!

Drive thru employee said she would shove yogurt in my dog's face - employee comment - Peepchick Corp
Total scam Kept charging me shipping when THEY sent the wrong items repeatedly

Allison Nethery
Fake Louis vuitton Handbags ripoff

Peepchick, BidBag ripoff, not getting my money back

Austin Miller
Ripoff not an honest person posted a picture of a real louis vuitton bag and sent me a fake louis vuitton duffel bag robed me $400.00 dollars consumer fraud ripoff on ebay is a rip off they sell cheap knockoffs and damaged items and dont do refunds of exchanges all fake crap horrable knockoffs if the order enen comes guang zu china Qingdaoyongbanghangtongjm
Consumer Report

Jaylene Leonbruno
The vendor above knowingly sold to me on Overstock Auctions a fake Louis Vuitton bag