Detective Training Institute - Dti - Art Kassel
Ripoff unscrupulous activities fraud scam phony private investigator unethical bbb member theft of bbb logo under investigation by authorities scam violate their state license!

Education & Science

Art Kassel REFUSED TO ANSWER all of the things in the complaints while hiding under a temporary good record unto he is shut down.

Art Kassel will NOT be anything for much longer once they finish with him! Does he think we are stupid? I called again today and they assured me that you are under investigation for fraud, scams, and over 34 violations of the licenses you hold! Go ahead and try to make everyone think that Global school and others and ipiu and pcdi and whatever else you talk about is behind my complaint and others. The proof is there for the authorities to stop you and you KNOW IT! Just because your bbb report shows no complaints, I spoke to the NATIONAL BBB TODAY because your local BBB is still investigating your violations!

Sit in your beach house and pretend that we ONLY have to pay $500 when your website says DIFFERENT! How crooked can someone be to take our hard earned monthly payments and promise us all the things you said only to be DECEIVED and lied to!

William, you won't find anything on the state's web site right now because they told me today that DTI is UNDER INVESTIGATION FOR FRAUD and they will do all the complaints at the same time, including the 34 violations and fraud. Wait and see!

I do have a right and I do have an obligation to WARN OTHER PEOPLE ABOUT this scam and fraud that Art Kassel has been doing. Just because dti writes terrible stuff about other companies and schools that I have called doesn't mean he is right and they are wrong. But you have to wonder WHY he wants to keep us from contacting all them! I did after I found out the truth about him and now I see why!

Our family got scammed and ripped off by Art Kassel and his phony Detective Training Institute. We got his web site and trusted what he promised before we found out he is a fraud and a thief and an unethical member of the better business bureau when he stole their BBB logo for his own website! We have reported him and the authorities are now investigating him and his rip off scam company that takes good people for thousands of dollars by getting us to trust him when he says that other schools are rip offs!

He promised us that we could work for his private detective agency if we paid him thousands of dollars to go to his school. Then we found he does not even have a private detective business that does ANY business! We have reported him to the California Licensing authorities that he advertises his PI license to get poor people like us believing he has real work. He's just a scam and a rip off. He even told us that his school is licensed by the state education department, which is phony too!

We found out that his school has a correspondence license from the state and that NO CREDIT can be given to us that we can use at any other school! All he needs is a few dozen poor people a year to rip off and make a lot of money running his scam from San Clemente California so he can keep his beach house! I am so mad for being a fool that I have learned how to investigator better because he made us do it.

I should have NEVER taken his word by believing that all of the other detective schools were scams. I contacted every one of the other schools that he calls a scam and they all said the same thing about him! My husband and I will be getting trained, but we will NEVER FORGET what he did to us and the new school we are now attending. Report this monster to the cops and whoever can some this rip off.

Los Angeles, California

Company: Detective Training Institute - Dti - Art Kassel
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Clemente
Address: 337 Ave Adobe
Phone: 9494924420
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Detective Training Institute, Dti, Art Kassel
Detective training institute, dti art kassel fraud scam ripoff phony private investigator unethical bbb member theft of bbb logo under investigation by authorities and san juan capistrano

Detective Training Institute Dti Art Kassel Scam Ripoff
Scam detective training institute dti art kassel violates state license and san juan capistrano

Detective Training Institute - Dti - Art Kassel
Detective training institute dti - art kassel guilty as charged, ripped off and fabricated better business bureau copyrighted report ripoff

Detective Training Institute, Dti, Art Kassel
Art Kassel, Detective Training Institute, and DTI students should take the time to see they are illegally using the BBB reports Ripoff

Art Kassel Detective Training Institute
DTI Ripoff, fraud, False promises

Art Kassel Detective Training
DTI Art Kassel Detective Training Came across this site and was to a student of Art Kessel Internet
Steve Kassel I took on the IRS myself because Stevel Kassel didn't!

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Ripped Me Off Changed Their Name