TigerDirect - OnRebate
Ripoff Still failed to issue rebate check 9 weeks after acceptance e-mail

Education & Science

On January 10 OnRebate e-mailed to notify that my rebate had been accepted and a check would arrive within 4-6 weeks. After 7 weeks the status as shown on the OnRebate.com website hadn't changed, so I began to inquire both by e-mail and by calling their phone number. Both methods got the same result: 'Oh no, it's 6-8 weeks before they even SEND the check. So wait until it has definitely been at least that long."

OK, now it's over 9 weeks and still counting. The OnRebate website is still reporting the same status to me, that the check has not been issued.

I've seen comments that Tiger and OnRebate are 'sister companies.' If that's true, then it just makes the whole thing look even more dishonest as that's a common technique used to protect one company from the actions of the other. It's unfortunate for Tiger that they've taken this step because as a customer I've truly been greatly satisfied at their speed and processing of my orders. But absent a very good explanation for such a delay, I will not order a rebate item from them again and will take my business to Best Buy (who prints the rebate receipts for me right at the point of sale and clearly identifies if it is a BB rebate, or a vendor rebate.)

Rebates are like hotel reservations and airline seats, they overbook by design because they know that it is rare that 100% show-up as planned.in this case, the rebate money doesn't go out and the company keeps it. If all documentation is provided (and as their e-mail confirms it has...) there is no justifiable reason that the check hasn't been sent.

Simmering in Michigan

Company: TigerDirect - OnRebate
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Phone: 8882229300
Site: onrebate.com p.o.box 3028
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