Business Computer Training Institute Ripoff Finally

Education & Science

I can't tell you how relieved I am that BCTI is finally out of business. Although it was a harsh ending, it was long overdue. I am a former Career Consultant. I worked at BCTI almost 2 years. I met many wonderful people. I hope I touched many lives. I was hired for all the right reasons. I truly cared. I was truly compassionate. It's when you see the other side of BCTI, you are 'red-flagged' by the leadership. I did let them know what I thought was wrong with the company. I did speak up. I too, was let go.

None of that matters now. What matters is that everyone who was a student, a former employee, a parent, keeps pursuing their dream! Don't let this tarnish you! Do everything you can to get your money back. Find a reputable school or job. Keep going!!! Don't stop caring about yourself and the reasons you were looking for an improvement in you life in the first place. Lots of us out there still truly care about you. I know I do.

Company: Bcti
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Tacoma
Address: 5865 Tacoma Mall Blvd
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Businees Computer Training Institute
B.C.T.I., ripoff outstanding loan no employment

Ripped off like everyone else who attended BCTI

BCTI, Business Computer Training Institute
BCTI False schooling and unreliable job promises

BCTI (Business Computer Training Institute)
I attended this institute in 2000. I am now re-enrolling in college to further my training. I have to borrow more money to get the proper training and I am still paying on my student loan from BCTI

Business Computer Training Institute Recruited me at the Unemployment Department, signed me up for student loans and have now apparently vanished into the night

BCTI Business Computer Training Institute

Business Computer Training Institute
BCTI $10,000 rip-off of minorities

BCTI (Business Computer Training Institute)
Ripoff students and employees past and present

US Dept. Of Eduction And Business Computer Training Institute BCTI
US Dept. Of Eduction And Business Computer Training Institute, The BCTI debacle of the state of Washington

BCTI (Business Computer Training Institute)
BCTI - Business Computer Training Institute Rip-Off $10,000 not well spent