Alternate Business Capital
MBU, Pro-Fin ripoff

Education & Science

I was also a victim of this company. With their claims of high returns, financial security, privacy, etc. I was introduced to them by a friend of my wife in 2000. I wrote them off as a scam at that time. Then, a year later, said friend quit her job because she was making so much money. Needless to say, I gave it a second look. Robert Baaca is the one who convinced me to sign up.

They had changed the structure from the pyramid format, ie. Recruit 11 people to get your 25k business loan that would be paid back from interest earned on the retained portion.

The new structure required having all your finances in order, credit repair, living trust, LLC, etc. At $700 a pop. I shelled out the requisite $2100 and got everything done. The way it was explained made sense.

I also placed $3000 in the high interest account, went to all the meetings, etc., etc.

I received a very generic living trust that I could have made with some free software. The LLC was apparently filed, however the fees were never paid and thus it was invalid.

When I contacted ABC about the discrepancies, they tried to get more money out of me saying that additional funds were needed to finalize the paperwork. Riiiighhhttt!

Then the program changed again and if I wanted to continue to be a member, I had to pay another $2750 for the "Gold" membership. This would allow me access to the business capital.

At this point I contacted ABC repeatedly. I faxed a support request to their office every single day for about two weeks and never received a reply.

I am in the military and can ill afford to lose the amount of money I spent but I have long since written off the loss. If anyone knows who I can contact to add my two cents and hopefully put these clowns away for a very long time, let me know.

Company: Alternate Business Capital
Country: USA
State: California
City: Corona
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