Freelotto. comny - f.a.s.t

Education & Science

On approx. Aug. Or Sept. 2004 I started playing freelotto on the internet. I have only had a computer and been on the internet for about 9 or 10 Nov. They asked for credit card info., which I gave them. The next month I started seeing weekly charges on my statement.

I accessed their web site mid-Dec. And canceled my subscription. But the charges are still keep coming. So im sending for a copy of your Rip-Off Revenge book. Hope This helps Someone

Company: Freelotto. comny - f.a.s.t
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
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FREElotto. comny ripoff repeditive monthly charges to credit card tho' their charges have been credit twice and have gone to their site to cancel out Never a confirmation that they even received my cancellation

Pni*freelotto Fast Svc
I lose the communication from freelotto for along time but they get my credit card every month

Freelotto. Comny ripoff i an billed for a service i do not want new york

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They keep on charging my Visa debit card but do not send anuy lottery info. NewYork

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Ripoff can' stop them from taking money out of my credit card account. Even after contacting with Emails to them for the last 6 months New York
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Freelotto rip off

FreeLotto. comNy cancell 2 times and they continue chargen my credit card

Worldcash Lotto - Freelotto
Worldcash Lotto NY & Freelotto NY continues to charge my credit card for what was to be "free" lotto even after I requested cancellation