Survey Daddy
Ripoff False advertisement on Career Ripoff took my money and credit card information and i tried to contact them 4 times thru email didn't get a response

Education & Science

Yes I would like to report this site, survey daddy. They did a advertisement on stating that they were a legitmate company and you could earn money by taking surveys for the Fortune 500 companies starting at $10-$250 a survey. But the catch was to pay a one time membership fee for $32.95. I made my payment on surveydaddy but was directed to pay and down load through Pay Obviously they receive payments through this site.

Once I submitted my payment the money was deducted out of my account instantly and there was nothing on the website to prompt me to the next step to take these so called Fortune 500 companies surveys! So I decided to use there only contact which was their email address to see what was my next step. I didn't recieve a confirmation from them nor did they reply to the 4 emails I sent to them. So I decided to contact my bank and get the number for the transaction that took place on my account.

The number was to their pay company Pay Pal and I told them that I wanted a refund due to not getting any feed back from survey daddy. Well they told me in order to get a refund I must file a claim through pay pal and they will contact the seller-survey daddy and the investigation may take up to 30 days depending if I receive any items. I told them that Survey Daddy will not be sending any items this site was only for a one time membership fee to take surveys for money, which pay pal should have already known.

Well Pay pal basically told me if survey daddy doesn't respond then I will not get a refund. I don't think so, someone has to get me a refund because I am no longer interested in the services. So at this point I am very angry and ready to get to the bottom of this. So first I decided to file a dispute the charges with my bank, second I decided to go back to the site and review some of the testimonies from other members, which one of them had a email addres. I sent the individual an email (I have all of my emails where I sent and contacted the individual) regarding my concerns, she replied the next day and said I have no idea how my information got on this site and others had been sending her emails wanting to know if this site was legit before they paid their membership fees and she was sorry that I was not as fortunate to check before sending my information and payment.

So then I new that this was fraud. So I went ahead and submited a claim with Pay pal online and gave my concerns reasons for me wanting a refund and how I don't appreciate being treated with the run around to get this resolve. To me my money should have been submitted to me immediately with no questions asked. So once I submitted my claim and demanded my money back or I was going to report them to BBB then pay pal immediately sent me an email claiming that they would refund back to my account and survey daddy replied to the first email sent not acknowleding the question I asked.

This was 3 days ago I have yet to receive my refund. I am reporting this claim, because Survey Daddy are taking peoples information, personal information and credit card info and falsly advertising on legitimate sites to take peoples money. On top of that they are using the Fortune 500 companies stating that they are paying for people to take surveys. This is a disgrace and definitley internet fraud and something needs to be done about this immediately.

I will testify and prove that this site is not legit. I have also contacted career builder and let them be aware of what's going on. Please let me know if you need anything from me to shut this fraduelant operation down because I don't appreciate the false advertisement. Thank you so much for your corporation.

Company: Survey Daddy
Country: USA
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Survey Scout
Survey Scout guarantees refund... But does not respond to refund request

A Huge Rip-Off... Survey Scout -
Survey Scout - - Paid Survey ScamA Huge Rip-Off... Promised Refund But Never Delivered. U.S.A

Survey Scout
TOTAL ripoff and no refund if dissatisfied as promised

Hotline Claim Services
Ripoff Paid on-line survey secrets e-book teaches you how to scam survey companies Atlanta

Survey Platinum
Ripoff No refund as promised. Company contacted within one week, told waiting period 75 days. Requested refund, advised too late.internet

Survey Scout
Ripoff. Will not refund my money, as stated when i joined, and no response from emails Does Not Appear does not appear Internet

Ripoff, waste of time, don't refund money as promised Palestine

Express Paid Surveys

Did 9 surveys they said they would pay me 20.00 and never did emailed them 6 times no response

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