Walden University
I request that Walden University forthwith make my student account current, paid in full, and release my transcripts immediately

Education & Science

On May 23, I received an email (please see attached), from Walden University’s Bursars Office, and a later payment for a retroactive tuition reduction based on my military status. The Bursar Petition Committee and university leadership, according to the email, said they “would like to extend a refundable tuition waiver in the amount of $9, 142.22 due to (my) missed savings.” This amount was a random, arbitrary number, and gave no real accounting for the actual amount owed. In fact, according to my calculations, which were based on real numbers, this amount is far less than what was actually owed me.
The Walden University’s Bursars Office then made a direct deposit into my account for more than their stated amount owned. The office then immediately placed a hold on my academic records and demanded payment. Not only is this ridiculous, unfair, it is also contrary to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) [20 USC 1232g and 34 CFR 99] and thus, is according to this agency and others, against the law. I request that Walden University forthwith make my student account current, paid in full, and release my transcripts immediately.

Company: Walden University
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
ZIP: 21202
Address: 650 S. Exeter St. 9th Floor
Phone: 18009253368
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