EdwardsKnox Central School
You gotta be in the "click" to survive this school

Education & Science

I just wanna rant here. First of all. I have kids in this school and I have seen and heard of the MOST outragious diciplinary procedures ever. One kid 12 years old had a cd player on, the bus driver yelled to him about something, when the child didnt respond the bus driver went to him, screaming in his face and actually ripped the headphones off his head.
(Child wasnt part of the in crowd)

BUT that was ok according to the school.
I have seen my kids and thier friends receive 7 days of in school suspension for "talking back" to the teacher.
(niether child was part of the in crowd)

I told by my son that one kid swore on the bus, he was moved to the front and told that for the rest of the year here would remain there, not only on the ride to and from school but also for any events, fieldtrips. Ect...
(Child wasnt part of the in crowd)

Bus monitors are allowed to slap the children. This has been reported by MANY KIDS and parents. (the monitor was sent to anger management classes)
Gimme a break

These teachers need to understand they are CIVIL SERVANTS!!!
Nothing more. They think around here that because they have the title of teacher and are reffered to as MR or Mrs that they are god like?
Gee, maybe I should go grab a BA a become a teacher to help my kids keep thier popularity, Afterall, anyone can do it.

The principal is worthless he will tell you what you wanna hear and brush it under the rug.
The lil school principal expects that when she claps her hands every child is to be silent!!! Wonder if she can make them rollover too.

I have alot more but just let me pint out one more thing that EVERYONE in the area knows about.
Last year, 3 kids (1 girl, 2 guys)
were caught smoking POT on the band bus. The monitor and the driver saw them, every kid on the bus said yes they were smoking it. Guess what nothing at all happened to them. Nothing. The three refused drug tests. THE SCHOOL DID NOTHING.

I seem feel this lil fact may have come into play.
The girls mother is a teacher, One boy was her boyfriend. And the third kids father is on the board of education.

SO, basically at Edwards Knox, You cant swear, talkback, listen to music or anything a child normally does but GONE AHEAD and SMOKE A LIL WEED ON THEM, even while the bus is in motion!!!

Hope they read this, I have alot more if they start responding.

Company: EdwardsKnox Central School
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Russell
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