Mci Wireless
MCI Worldcom wireless Ripoff must be stoped

Education & Science

I am writing in regards to an account i had with mci/wcw it has taken me almost two years and finaly contacting nbc 10 news to get some resolve from these rip off atrists. I would like to here from any intersted parties that would like to pursue mic/wcw to make them pay for praying on consumers and rueining peoples credit line with there fraudulant billing practices and charges. I have resolved my account with them for the eighth time now i hope this is the end to the harrasing phone calls and letters. Please E-mail me at rdschniers@yahoo maybe enough of us can band together to make this company pay for the years of grief and stress!
telford Pa

MCI Worldcom Wireless aka Paragon Cellula

Company: Mci Wireless
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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WorldCom Wireless aka MCi
Even MCi WorldCom employess have difficulties with WorldCom Wireless

WorldCom Wireless
MCI Worldcom Wireless Phone# 1-630-795-6200

MCI Worldcom Wireless Company
Ripoff business from hell

MCI Wolrdcom Wireless
MCI Worldcom rip-off

Worldcom Wireless
Send fraudulent mail stating I owe WorldCom Wireless $297.83 fraudulent ripoff business

Worldcom Wireless
MCI Fraud/Breaches/Ripoff

MCI Worldcom Wireless
I'm just tired of it and wish my contract was over!

Ncc Commonwealth Financial Systems / Cingular / AT&T Wireless
Debt collection of outdated closed account

Mci Worldcom Wireless
Ripoff consumer fraud ripoff

Worldcom Wireless
MCI Class Action Suit Sign me Up!