Premier Premium Communications
USBI Telliss Communications Another Monstrous Adult Website Fraud! Rip-off!

Education & Science

Four days ago, I received a letter/statement from Premier Premium Communications stating I have to pay a total of $125.00 for an international call made to UK England with telephone no. 442073358468 for 25 mins. I was shocked and tried to call them but the phone was always busy.

In the envelope, there was a blue sheet of paper saying that I incurred these charges because of a connection to a website in which they have no connection to, they were simply a billing company on behalf of the said website. Also stated that portion of the charges will be billed to my phone bill, so I didn't waste any time and printed a copy of my bill online from SBC, freaking out to see 3 more international calls made to England with the SAME number printed on the PPC statement.

I called USBI (name of the long distance company-also TELLIS) and disputed the amount. They were insisting that I made those calls therefore I have to pay. I told them it was impossible because, first, there were no people in the house during the hours given and we have nobody to call in England. They eventually agreed to remove the charges but never gave any more confirmation or anything when I asked for it. Now, that I have read all of the complaints both for USBI and PPC, I just found out that they both work together to perform such malicious fraud.

Then I tried to go to PPC website and filed a complaint. Now, this is something that you guys with the same problem should take note. The moment I hit submit, few seconds after, I checked my email and found 2 emails from them right away! First was a confirmation email, 1 second after was the LONG email describing what their company does and even gave website samples or links to go to for me to check about a 900 number or something and what's really absurd was, there was a sentence there that says...'You have specifically asked about what website was accessed, it was 'Live Web Cams'... I NEVER ASKED FOR THE WEBSITE WHEN I SENT MY COMPLAINT.

It now just dawned on me that what they sent was an automated reply. Also, if you will try to reveal all the information on your incoming emails which I have in mine... Try to see the REPLY PATH TO: it says Obviously, I believe that whatever we reply to them won't reach them because it's really a hoax altogether. They just happen to keep track of the complainant's email arrivals to them so they have a corresponding automated reply ready. Even the name of whoever sent the email is not complete, it's always GEORGE, Premier Premium Communications. I tried to reply to him but no answer until this time.

Company: Premier Premium Communications
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Fort Worth
Address: PO Box 155579 Fort Worth TX 76155-5579
Phone: 8009189057
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