Sylmark - Light Relief
Sylmark Inc., Light Relief rip-off!

Education & Science

I tried to order one of these over 6 months ago. They told me the payments would be cut up over 4 months. I waited for nearly 5 months and heard nothing I finallly contacted them to find out it was on back order. I then cancelled my order. The charged my account anyway.

Then when I called them they told me it would take 5 to 10 days for them to give me my money back in the meantime my account over drafted due to them chargeiong the FULL amount not payments. I them called to get my over draft money back they said it is not their problem. This company is a SCAM a ripoff and FULL OF BLEEP!!!

Company: Sylmark - Light Relief
Country: USA
State: California
City: Hollywood
Address: P O. Box 3252
Phone: 3239389200
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ABslide double charging rip-offs

Ripoff wouldn't cancel order billed for more than stated 2 months to get 112.92 back many calls no results

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Light Relief
I ordered 1 light relief and two days later when i called to ask a question - they put another order in for 2 more machines - i returned the machinesd and the keep chargeing me - i can't even get my m

Sylmark, Inc
Sylmark, Inc ripoff consumer rip-off fraud

Light Relief LLC
Deposited check twice

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Light Relief
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