IXP, IXP.net, 2by2, 2by2.net, Mall Ventures Inc
Pyramid scam, pyramid scam, pyramid scam, pyramid scam, pyramid scam, Hartford, Providence, New York, Louisville, Mass., R.I., Conn. Ohio, Kentucky, Cali

Education & Science

I have been involved with this company now for over 4 years. It is hard for me to come to terms with the fact that what we have done is highly illegal. We have taken money from many people, starting in California and then we were forced accross the country. It is apparent that we really have no where else to go due to bad press, the better business bureau, and most recently the Federal Trade Commision.

The majority of our expansion is now happening in other countries that due not have consumer protection against pyramid scams like the one I helped create. It is tough because I was involved in this company with all of my best friend and we had no idea what we were doing was illegal.

The company was not completely bad, we taught many good principles. Unfortunately, many young people completely gave up their lives to follow the 2by2/ixp traveling circus which turned out to be filled with debt and disappointment. It is difficult to admit that I have made a mistake, but I am very sorry. I have acted like I am someone I am not, and I cannot do this any longer. I have acted like I was wealthy, when I was really flat broke.

I have acted like I am wise, when I really have been fooled. Most importantly I have acted like I was happy, when really I am filled with nothing but emptiness and pain. I am deep in debt, my family has disowned me, and I lost all of my old friends.

I have realized that sometimes you have to take a step by and look at the situation you are in and take it for what it really is. Sometimes it is not always wise to go on faih. You must be critical, subjective, and smart enough to realize a bad idea when it comes your way. Mr. Dennis Wong has obviously brought one my way and I believed in it for a while, but there became a point when I needed to put trust not in everyone around me but in myself.in this world the only person that truly cares about you is you. I urge all of you that have been presented with the ixp "business plan" to research the company and truly see if it is a good idea.

Is internet shopping truly headed in the direction that dennis wong claims? Is the IXP shopping mall going to grow to the claimed scale when Amazon, EBay, and other shopping malls like shopping.com already have such a huge chunk of the internet shopping business? Someone might tell you that all ixp needs is a little chunk of the pie. What the hell does that mean? What you should be asking yourself i how big of a chunk does not only the company needs but how much do you need and is it possible to get this chunk?

Ever heard of something called market saturation. This is a wake up call to everyone... It's real and just about everyone company selling a service or product uses it. Do you think SBC would ever send a marketing force down to cincinnati to sell dial-up when let's say 80% already have broadband? Hell no!

You have to realize that dial-up is a dying market for IXP because they don't care about doing the real research it takes to sell a viable service and no one wants to buy from a company that has an FTC suit against them even if they are friends and family. Look at your customer retention rate reps?

There is a logical connection here people. The product sucks and all IXP cares about is making money through recruitment which means no retirement for you. Would IXP ever be prepared to connect 1000's of new customers to the internet in cincinnati. No!!! IXP has only leased so many telephone lines because they don't really care about the customer.

Would a viable company like Netzero every dream about having such a shitty infrastructure. No and that's why netzero good and ixp bad. Why do you think AOL had so many dropped calls in the early stages of development? Because they were still building their infrastructure!!! Go anywhere in the united states today and you will be able to connect through aol and they are prepared for 1000's of people in an area to dia-up.

Dennis Wong says that not just anyone can get all these stores onto a shopping mall. Is this really true? The anwser is no! Go to Staples.com and see for yourself how easy it is to put a retail giant like staples on your very own shopping mall. I'm sure once you've done your homework you'll realize it's just a scam and a way for Dennis Wong to continue living the lifestyle he can't live without even if it does mean scamming thousands of people out of their hard earned money.

It's just not right no matter how hard an IXP representative tries to justify it. And believe me they will try. Not because they are "bad" people but because this is what they have been brainwashed to do. Listen to what these reps say about the BBB and the settlement with the FTC.

Are they true or are they lies? If you are a rep reading this do you even know? Have you taken the time to figure out the truth? Believe me when I tell you this, the truth will set you free. Sorry for all the pain I have caused.

Company: IXP, IXP.net, 2by2, 2by2.net, Mall Ventures Inc
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Boston
Site: ixp.net, 2by2.net
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Yor - YorVoice - 2by2 - Mall Ventures - IXP
Scam, Liars, Cheats, Thieves, Sexual Harrassment, Extreme Exaggeration, No real Product Sales, Pyramid Scheme, Lies Lies Lies ripoff

Yor.com - Ben Decker - Dan Hamilton - Michael Mo - Dennis Wong
Ripoff Use sex appeal to get you to give them money no product pyramid scheme cash flow scam mean to gay people make rude jokes

2BY2.net, Infinet.com
2BY2.net, & INFINET.com MLM, VERY expensive SCAM PYRAMID SCHEME fraudulent rip-off business

2by2.net, Ixp.net, Yor.com, MP Newman, Dan Hamilton, Michael Mo, Dennis Wong
Fake company, scam artists, hotel meetings, dont waste your time or money! Ripoff louisville kentucky cincinatti ohio

Yor.com Yor Voice Yor.net
Dennis Wong Michael Mo Josh Lau Dan Hamilton Cynthia Bahn Hector Flores Rob Hendricks Yor.com Big Time Scam. Don't trust them. Scam. YOR.com'S founders Found Guilty by FTC of Pyrimid Practices. Guilty Guilty. SCAM YOR Vocie Yor losing your money

Yor Health, Yor VOIP, Yor.net, Yor.com
Yor Aka Yor Health, Yor VOIP, Yor.net, ALL MLM PYRAMID FRAUD & SCAMS! Yor Health Yor VOIP Yor.net Yor.com YOR is a SCAM! They offer FALSE LIES & PROMISES of helping you become rich. Nicut Nationwide

Pyramid Airgun
Gave a over market price on a used airgun

YOR Health
Pyramid Scheme

Dr Luis Arriaza - Dennis Wong - IXP.net - 2by2.net
Ripoff MLM SCAM They will steal your money make false promises and rip you off

Yor.com - ixp.net - 2by2.net
Yor.com Dan Hamilton Michael Mo Dennis Wong Ryan Jackson Joshua Lau Sophia Wong ripoff ixp.net 2by2.net take money scam high pressure sales no return on investment brainwash the weak false advertising no money Pasadena