Xtreme Screens

Construction & Repair

Who owns ecommerce title is Timothy Spence though he informs everybody his lastname is Unruh. He promises he's a companies license which isn't true. He do not actually has his company license present for Xtreme Screens. It was last present and terminated in 2005. Well exactly what the heck continues to be happening throughout that period of time? Something you may be thinking about is the fact that he did amount of time in jail and used the majority of his period within the law library studying something and everything. And since I've obtained a stay to allow the community understand the reality about him and just how he employs his organization to fraud cash out-of individuals, he (Timothy Spence) has informed rest after rest about me from being truly a child molester to being truly a medication dealer. WARNING BEWARE he's a smooth talker and certainly will con you whenever you least expect it.

Company: Xtreme Screens
Country: USA
State: California
City: Rancho Cucamonga
Site: xtremescreens.net
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Xtreme Screens
Timothy Spence (real name) Timothy Unruh (changed name) Punk A$ lame, lies, lies, lies AND MORE LIES

Timothy Spence
Tim Unruh, Tim Unreal, P

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Consumer Report

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I received mislabeled, poor quality, and potentially unsafe medication from PricebusterRX

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