MX Energy
Unethical Tactics & Misrepresentation

Construction & Repair

Had a visit from two individuals (one wore an ID reading MXEnergy and did all the talking), this afternoon, who claimed that they were making a follow-up visit and asked to see my PSE&G statement. His intonation and wording seemed to lead me to believe that he had a "right" to see my statement, almost as if this was an "official" request. When I asked why he wanted to see the statement, he said he needed to verify if I'm being serviced by a local supplier (for gas & electric). Later on he said that he wanted to see if I qualified for any savings. He could not tell me what this visit was a follow-up to. When pressed, he said "I'm just doing my job". I refused to give them any information and closed the door.

The race to capture as many customers as possible and to make a lot of money, in New Jersey's deregulated market, is apparently leading MX Energy (and likely others) to use tactics that are not quite ethical. I'm sure that the second fellow, who didn't speak, was there to affirm that the MX Energy rep had a visible ID and that he never said he represented PSE&G, or any governmental agency. That is true; however, his wording, intonation, and body language spoke a completely different story. Beware.

Company: MX Energy
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Passaic
Address: P.O. Box 8127, Stamford, CT 06905-8127
Phone: 8007854373
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