Lionel proctor Land lord and Realtor
Lionel proctor Land lord and Realtor had funds withdrawn from my bank account

Construction & Repair

I rented an upstairs apartment that was nothing but trouble to me, i found the apartment walls and floors to be cheap and thin that sounds can go through and the floor cracked and squeek every time i walked, all i got were complaints from other neighbors and i complained back, the land lord threatned to evict me but i did nothing wrong, he took me to court and charged me with high court fees, i moved out to live with familly members and the land lord had my wages garnished, the lease i signed said nothing about wage garnishment and neither did the land lord, because of unconscent wage garnishment i sufferd lost of income falling behind my bills and familly obligations that i went into debt, the wage garnishment cut my finances so short i could not qualify for credit and was denied other housing opportunities leaving me stuck with familly and my

Company: Lionel proctor Land lord and Realtor
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington
Address: 604 mellon st se washington DC
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Lionel Proctor Land lord and Realtor
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