Con Edison
Billing Scam

Construction & Repair

Not just has Disadvantage Ed payment increased with additional phony taxes, they con you if you want to leave your last home. I shifted more than 3 weeks before, and named more than 1 week just before plan a turn off day. I told them that I had a need to shut my consideration on 7/15, plus they provided me a reading on 7/15 to make sure I don't get any additional payment. Certainly, once I left on 7/15, the energy was turn off, and soon after, I obtained a statement relationship to 7/19. I named Fraud Ed again to guarantee the consideration was shut, and was guarantee that it had been. Today it's overdue March, and that I got another statement from Fraud Ed for the whole month of September, and 50% of July. They actually added on the late cost simply because they never delivered the very first statement out. Also it shouldn't have now been sent, since I'd shut my bill in July.

After I faced them, they claim we never turn off residential providers until a brand new tenant demand support. Con Ed informs me the only path the statement might be modified is if my previous landlord sends out a notarized declaration that I'd certainly left the idea in a particular period. Which landlord might do this a few months following a tenant has left the idea, and encounter the chance of still another statement they'd need to spend? Which means when the home was left vacant, Fraud Ed can make the final tenant accountable for all costs. This can be a cash fraud disguised as mess. It ought to be illegal. It's simply because they have this type of monopoly in NY that they're nevertheless in a position to operate this fraud. If something should be deregulated, possibly Con Ed must.

Company: Con Edison
Country: USA
State: New York
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