Mercedes Pool Care
"beware of mercedes pool service" major ripoff, overcharging innocent consumers on pool care

Construction & Repair

Unfortunately, I have been RIPPED OFF by Mercedes Pool Care!!!

My records show I have received thefollowing invoices from Mercedes since the beginning of the year: Invoice 603921 dated 2/4...$1507.01 (for a Whisper Flo pump) Invoice 603935 dated2/24...$ 90.00 (for plumbing) Invoice 603930 dated2/20...$406.07 (for salt generator display board) Total $2003.08

I did some research on the parts Mercedesinstalled and found that I could purchase the salt generator display board fromLeslie's for $194.99 (Mercedes charge was $463.40). And that the Whisper Flo pumpsfor around $595.00 (Mercedes charge was $855.00). I also found that I couldhave replaced the entire salt system for $1200 (including installation).inaddition I found that the "mother board" Mercedes quoted me at $1200 costme $471.00 with a $95 installation charge. When Leslie's came to install it theydiscovered I did not need a mother board. Finally, Mercedes quoted me $1250 todo deco seal around my pool and I am having it done for $489.00 by Leslie's. It is clearly obviousthat Mercedes Pools has been OVER-CHARGING ME SIGNIFICANTLY for parts andlabor. I suggest anyone with a pool in Dallas or Plano, which is 95% of Plano... Use another pool service of your choice!!!

Company: Mercedes Pool Care
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Plano
Address: 5305 Laser Lane
Phone: 4693663556
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