Charleston Pool And Spa
Owner David Griggs and Mike Arrant Do Not let Charleston Pool and Spa bulid your pool!

Construction & Repair

We hired Charleston Pool and Spa because of the sales job that Angie did. She later went to work for Atkins pools. I dealt with Mike Arrant until the end then the owner David Griggs made a his camio appearance. We felt like we were misled on several things. The workmanship of Charleston Pool and Spa employees and subs was shoddy at best. It took us 5 years in court to be awarded $14400.00. If you are wanting a pool I would be very careful and do the research. Call me and set an appointment to see our pool... Or if it is fixed call me or view the photos. They had a very good trial attorney who was able to discredit our experts... The funny thing about it is he used our main expert as an expert witness in prior cases. We used a friend who is a good attorney but not as savy in the court room.

Company: Charleston Pool And Spa
Country: USA
Address: 1634 Sam Rittenberg Blvd
Phone: 8437697727
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