North American Mortgage
Violations of chapter 58 business malpractice

Construction & Repair

Dear Sir:
This report is about a mortgage company (north american mortgage) conduct business here in Bloomington (Minnesota).
Based on the Customer Activity statement that I received from them and based on my records on file, my mortgages payment was current as of February 1998.
North American Mortgage company however was claiming that my account was delinquent (I have receive numerous letter of foreclosure and letters from them to support my claim). I have been communicating with them to straighten out the matter through letters and phone calls but because I have a hearing problem and speech disability (I have a hard time listening and being hard to understand over the phone) it is hard for me to be understood over the phone so I asked them if I could have someone review my files of records here in Bloomington, Minnesota but my request was not even granted. (Is this a violation of disability? Or is it a violation of my rights as a consumer with disability? Or is it a discrimination case?)

Based on Customer Activity Account Statement, North American Mortgage is claiming that the Casheir check #613635084
in the amount of$1112.31 dated January 22,1998 as evidenced by the transactions dated Fe. 9 1998 (reversed returned check) This is the first time that I have ever heard a cashier check had bounced. I have requested a copy of the Cashier check and it has been cashed Jan 20 1998 by North American Mortgage.

With regards to the check that I paid for the month of September 1997, the mortgage company had cashed the check and was never applied to my mortgage payment. That is where the negligence and misapplication of funds committed by the company that I have been trying to point out long time since 1997 and up to present time. Minnesota Statutes 1999 58.16 Subd. 5 RECORDS

MN Statutes 1999 Chapter 58 58.12
Subdivision b
(2) (iv) violated a standard of condcut or engaged in a fraudulent coercieve deceptive or dishonest act or practice whether or not the act of practice involves the resedential lending business'
(v) engaged in an act or practice whether or not the act or practice involves the business of making a residential mortgage loan that demonstrates untrustwortiness financial irresponsibility or incomptence.
(vi) pled guilty with or without explicitly admitting guilt, plead nolo contendere or et all.

Because I cannot afford to pay a lawyer I have written the attorney general office and the business of commerce for formal actions. The long wait for me is over when they admit their mistake.

I want to be compensated for the wrongdoing, business malpractice, I owed money for the foreclosure proceedings my life is in chaos. I was advice that I need to see a lawyer to be compensated with the sufferings that I have endured. I asked legal assistance but they dont deal with mortgage dispute and lawyers in minnesota cost too much money per hour.

Please advice I really need some help.

Thank you.



I have suffered mental anguish, mental torture, anxiety, lost my job and have no health insurance and now I am under government assistance because of this bad experience.

Company: North American Mortgage
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Albion
Address: 231 east ave suite 200
Phone: 18002220912
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