Fast Growing Trees
What a joke!

Construction & Repair

I placed an order for 5 tulip poplar trees on May 2nd of 2009. After waiting a month for them I called the company only to be told that they would be sent out the following week and that for my trouble I would be given an extra tree (a Royal Impress Tree). On the 11th of June my order was filled all my trees were supposedly ready to go out.

Yesterday the 17th of June I received the Royal Impress tree (the free one) but the 5 other trees that I paid for were nowhere to be found. I called the company and was told that the 5 trees that I paid for somehow were not put on the truck and that it would be next week before I get them. This has been going on for over a month and has really gotten tiresome. My order number is 41601.

Company: Fast Growing Trees
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Charlotte
Phone: 8005042001
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They want me to pay twice for a bad product, Fast Growing Trees Nursery,
Fast growing tree did not grow fast and was clearly not as advertised Charlotte

Free Tree Service
Stated they would cut down trees for the wood. They said they would take down 30 trees but only took 9 trees and then wanted to charge $50.00 per tree to take the rest

Fast Growing Trees Nursery
Fast Growing Trees Strikes Again!

Fast Growing -
My tree was 12 inches tall when shipped Internet internet

Fast Growing Trees Nursery
Empress Tree Nurseries Deceptive advertising, poor quality product

Fast Growing -
Dead Tree

Gardners Choice
Cashed our personal check and never sent our fast growing trees to us Have been waiting almost 4 months rip-off company

Fast Growing Trees
False Advertising of free shipping, false advertising of what is in stock, will not refund timely