Empire Carpet
Hires day workers from the side of the road to install carpet!

Construction & Repair

I had an in home visit from one of their sales people and it was great. She was helpful and the price was really good. I scheduled the instalation and was very excited about getting fresh new carpet for my house. The installers came on time. The crew manager was great, he answered all of my questions and was generally very friendly.

He had 2 Hispanic guys working with him. They spoke no English. They finsihed in 3.5 hours and I was so excited. The carpet looked great. I was throughly satisfied. I really thought I would get to go out onto the internet and write a good review of the company. That is, until I started unpacking my stuff that I boxed up to get out of the way.

I unpacked a box and thought that there was some CD's and a DVD missing, but I wasn't sure. That prompted me to check my jewelry box that was in a box under stuff in the bathroom. When I did I was shocked to find 6 rings missing from my jewelry box. One of which was my grandmother's wedding rings (she passed away last Feb and that's all I have left of her). Those rings were on a gold chain. The chain was snapped and the rings gone. I was so upset, I was literally devastated. I immediately called the crew manager that was at my house and told him that I had belongings missing. He was able to stop his crew. One of the men was working with him for the very first day ever. This guy handed over 2 of my rings, but nothing else.
By that time I had contacted the local police and they were at my house. Long story short, what ended up happening was the crew manager and his wife came all the way back here from the warehouse in rush hour traffic to give a statement with me to the police. It was really great of him to do that and he didn't have to do anything.

If that wasn't bad enough, Empire was notified also and they told me that someone would call me in 24hrs. They should have made that a priority. The lady called me the next day got information and said she would call back. She took 4 hours to do so. When she called back (after 2 msgs from me) she gave me the B.S. Line of "we are going to cooperate with the police". When I asked what the company was going to do for me, she repaeated that line FREAKING PARROT! She wouldn't explain anything.

I spoke with the Instalation Manager here in Atlanta and he basically told me that b/c legal is involved they can't discuss it with me. They aren't doing anything to resolve the fact that I paid $1800 to be robbed!
This could happen to anyone with any company. My point is that EMPIRE has no customer service to speak of. I wish I had gone with someone else even if I had to pay more money. Beware of empire.

Company: Empire Carpet
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Phone: 8005882300
Site: www.empiretoday.com
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