Check your Electric Meters Everyone!

Construction & Repair

Im not really a certified electrician, but when I close the primary to my home and all its subs, exactly why is my electrical meter still rotating? I examine anything - nobody is mooching my energy. Is available in towards the meter, out to my cell and thats it.

I called PSE&G-3 months before to record the problem. After ording supper and consuming it, while awaiting a individual, I eventually got one which explained that somebody might contact me in each day or two to plan a visit out to my house to check on the issue. I never received a phone nevertheless even today. Therefore, in the place of call-back what might be among the toughest customer support divisions that personally, I know of, I believe Ill set a phone in to the NJ Tools Commission, after which with a buddies within the press who enjoy things like this.

Im ultimately going solar - OFF-GRID! I worry easily perform a net-metering setup and market back, they'll simply discover a way to mess me there also! Therefore, I am simply likely to draw my meter and allow them determine it out. Once they do, ill tell them reduce me down!

Company: Pse&G
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
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TXU Energy
Ripping me off my electric went from $150.00 amonth to $400.00 a month after installing new mete

Oncor Energy
Oncor replaced new digital meter increasing my bill by 1100kwh

Dp&L Power Company

Jersey Central Power and Light

Stream Energy
Billed me for Electrical Usage from bogus electrical meter numbe

British Gas
Awful, awful, awful

TXU Energy
Ripoff Over estimates monthy energy usage and will not send a meter reader out to actually read the meter regularly

Pacific Gas and Electric of California
Emf air pollution noise

Pacific Gas and Electric of California
Emf air pollution noise

McGinnis/GMAC Real Estate
Didn't honor security deposit refund