Forecast Homes
Fraud the entire house was a rip off! Nightmare defective home builde

Construction & Repair

I bought a Forecast Home in Oct 1999 & I moved in on 2-10-00. I have had nothing but problems. My first 7 months not much was done in the area of correcting because I worked 2 1/2 hours away & I did not have time to harrass them. Then I lost my job & it became a full time job for the next five months to get Forecast to stand behind the work that they had done.

I waited at home many hours at a time for nobody to show up or for someone to come to look at it & explain the same story over again from the warranty department, to the outside rep for my sub-division to that person's supervisor and then for the umpteenth time AGAIN to the actual vendor.

I have had plumbing problems and different plumbers have been here at least 5 different occasions & I am still not satisfied with the outcome.

The air conditioner was never wired for high power voltage & did not work. The electrician wondered how anyone could have signed off on the unit. I bought the best carpet padding & every 3-4 yards it feels like I am stepping on a little rock under the carpet. They could remove some of them by pulling up the carpet & taking a razor blade by hand under the carpet to pull that piece out. They said to completely fix the problem I would have to move all my furniture out. YAAHHH RIGHT!

My hardwood floor was scratched & had to be replaced, this took 9 months of arguing & harrassing them. Then I think they ultimately blamed General Electric, but I told them they were not there during my walk through. Their guy who unpacked the fridge with the packing material is the one who scratched the floor. I'm sure General Electric ended up paying for the new floor when I know their own employee did the damage. They tried to blame me for it. But, I was smart enough to buy all the appliances and flooring from THEM so that if there were problems it could only be blamed on them. It was still a nightmare.

All the stats they gave me, which were pre-printed with the Forecast Logo, were all lies in reference to the dimensions of my rooms. These were some of the shortages: 6" x 6", 7" x 2", 9" x 2", 11" x 3" and 4" x 15". These are huge errors when it comes to small bedrooms.

I drew a diagram for the cable TV outlets in two rooms & they did them all wrong & this had to be fixed after I moved in. They did not even look at my signed diagram.

I paid for the house to be pre-wired for a home theatre sound system & they did all that wrong. The company who originally did they work came out for an entire day which I had to wait around for to correct the problem. And, then when I paid my stereo installation man he found that they had still done things wrong & I had to pay him for an extra 2 hours of labor to correct the wiring that was wrong.

I read through what they said my home was to come with for the Title 24 requirements and I paid for a water heater blanket & yet never received one.

I called P G & E for recommendations for attic insulation installers after I saw that program with the hidden camera on Dateline. Sure enough I was shorted there as well. I had no insulation all around the perimeter of the house & nothing above the laundry room either.

I specifically asked for the washer to be on the left and the dryer to be on the right. This house was built to what upgrades that I paid for and yet my requests were never consulted. I paid $23,000.00 in upgrades. They of-course reversed what I had asked & paid for.

I live in a very hot area. I had a choice in carpet from 1 to 10 and 10 being the very best. I made a choice of #8. When I moved in there seemed to be a bleached spot in the hallway. It took forever for them to deal with it because they blamed it on the manufacturer. Someone from the manufacturer finally came out here & he felt that a subcontractor put a very hot tool box or some sort of tool down on the carpet which in turn bleached that area lighter than the rest of the hallway. They came out 3 separate times & I can still see the area involved. I am still unsatisfied with the carpet in the hallway in this area.
I have had the air conditioning people out at least 4 times, something with the thermastat was wrong.

Another cheap item that Forecast places in these homes & you get what you pay for. All I have had is trouble with this thermastat & it has been replaced twice.

I have had sprinkler problems & the Landscaping people would not fix it to my satisfaction. Small plants that the developer put in have practically died in the year that I have been here & if the drip system were working properly they would be growing instead of dying.

The grout around the rocks on the front face of my home were not completely filled in and this took months of aggravation to get someone out to fix it or even look at it. This was an item that I did not have to be home for since it was on the outside of my house & still Forecast could not be bothered.

I had chips & cracks in some of my tile in the laundry room as well as the granite in the kitchen. My front door did not close smoothly or feel like it was completely shut. Their cheap fix is still unacceptable to me. The door was probably hung wrong.
I paid for an upgraded faucet & sink in the kitchen & that turned out to be defective.

Something does not seem to be sealed properly with both my sliding glass doors. I can see the vertical blinds moving when nothing is on in the house. These are supposed to be expensive double paned doors.

Some of my light switches were wired backwards.

I have a loud thumping noise that no one can explain to me nor do they care when I have explained it to them.

The last and most important issue involves three houses next to each other, one of them is mine. They put a gate in the back rear fence which I did not want for safety reasons. I told them to take it out & the sales department said "no problem". Then they call me back to tell me that the City Of Folsom requires that I have it.

A few months after I moved in I decided to talk to the City about planting a tree or two behind my fence and I wanted to ask permission. Come to find out, the land behind the fence is mine & Forecast did not disclose this to me. I drove around to talk to the people below me who back up to this area to see if they would have a problem with the trees & I learned about another outrageous lie by Forecast. My neigbors had been offered this land (15 feet) by Forecast Homes for FREE and they actually wanted it. But, the City said that all the people below our three houses would have to be in agreement in wanting the land. Not everyone behind us wanted the additional land. Forecast could not get rid of it for free. I am talking to attorney's to get Forecast to move my fence on to my property line. This would involve a retaining wall for the slope & filling in with dirt & rock to bring the rear part up to the backyard level. This is why they tried to get rid of the land, so they would not be responsible for paying to do the right thing & put our fences on the actual property line. This would also double our backyards. They have written me letters stating that they will not correct this problem. We are all furious with them. If I had been told the truth I would not have bought this lot or I would have forced them to enclose my lot correctly. They probably could have done this for $5000.00 at he time this house was being built. Now for me to have this done after the fact at my own cost it will be $15,000.00. Also, had it been incorporated into my mortgage I would probably be paying $10 a month for it instead of coming up with the cash now. I do not have $15,000 nor after 18 months here have I done a backyard because I do not want to redesign the backyard after it grows to the correct square footage at a later date.

Forecast has committed fraud & misrepresented my lot to me. They lied about requirements from the City just to save the cost of moving a gate and also to avoid telling me the truth about the land behind my fence.

Forecast has not given me what I paid for. They have misrepresented my home with their sales information & their product descriptions. They have been unethical & have committed fraud as far as I am concerned.

Also, all my concrete on the outside (I have no idea about under the house yet) of the house including the front porch & driveway is defective. There are cracks, foot prints and discoloration everywhere. Also, rust stains, that do not come out, are present. My next door neighbors (who are not a Forecast Home) have clean, clear cement all around the house. So, it is easy to compare to the cheap job done be Forecast. I asked them to replace my driveway & they would not do it.

Company: Forecast Homes
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sacramento
Address: 1796 Tribute Road, Suite 100
Phone: 9169200379
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