Universal Vacation Club
Interval Nuevo Vallerta - Villa Del Palmar Flamingos - Extremely Unethical Practices preying on young families Calafornia

Construction & Repair

We went to PV Mexico for our first all inclusive family holiday. Upon arrival at the airport we were greeted by a person who said we could have reduced prices for activities and free taxi fares providing we go to a "breakfast & presentation" with no obligation to buy at the Villa Del Palmar Flamingos in Nuevo Vallerta.

We went to Villa Del Palmar Flamingos the next morning with our children in tow. We were shown around the resort by a nice US lady who couldn't discuss the prices as she was not a licensed sales agent. She then passed us onto the sales guy Alan Willmon who began his sales pitch. Then he showed us the apartments we could buy into. We were impressed by the setup of the resort and decided to buy in. We chose a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom unit for $37,900 and we paid for this in full thinking that was that. At this time we were told that we could not back out of the deal once it was agreed on. We were asked to return the next day to discuss further options open to us about renting our investment through a seperate agency VNAC & Peter Dunn.

Later when we returned home after our vacation we found out we were entitled to cancel within five days without penalty under Mexican law and this cannot be waived regardless of what the resort says (the resort told us we could cancel within 24hrs and with a penalty. This was told to us by our sales person). As with everyone else who were purchasing at the time, champagne flowed and lots of applause. After we purchased the unit our sales guy told us we could sell our weeks on this unit for approx. $2000 - $3000 per week and accelerate our weeks which meant 20 weeks each year rental income for the first six years. Which would equate to $40,000 to $60,000 each year for six years, multiply by two because we bought two, 2 bedroom timeshares.

On top of this he works with a company in Florida NVAC (Peter Dunn), who can accelerate our rental weeks and we could realise a significant return on our "Investment". Mr Willmon mentioned that the investment could actually replace an income in our household. As a young family working hard for our kids 8 and 7 years of age, we though this might help get ahead in life. After the deal was done we were given a card for free access to the resort and Alan told us to meet him the next morning for breakfast and then to have the rest of the day to enjoy the resort.

At breakfast Alan bring up a new deal on a second identical unit for an additional $21,990. This would generate double the rental income from the original unit, and it could be financed through the resort. It would not be a big issue as once the money started pouring in from our rental investment we could pay this off in no time. I suppose it was the sea air and the free booze, but we agreed to purchase the second property. Again more Champagne and happy faces. After this Alan agreed to meet us in Puerto Vallerta to start the process of working with his rental company in Florida called VNAC.

We met two days later at a mall where he recommended we open an account at the local bank as the return in Mexico on savings is far hgher than that in the US or Canada to generate more income. Looking back on it now, this seems the only thing we can say was truthful. At this time he gave us the name of the rental company in Florida and the name of it's owner. While talking to him about this great "opportunity" an agent for the company called and I was intoduced over the phone to this agent. They begged us to agree to give them our rental weeks to which we agreed and we were told to expect a call and contract to arrive one we returned form our vacation. To date we have not received either.

The reason we even purchased the timeshare was as an investment based on the promises of the UVC sales guy. When we returned from vacation we started looking into the resort online as well as the rental company NVAC. This is when we started to feel that we had been conned. As they have numerous complaints against this both the sales practices at the resort and the rental comapny.

We received a welcome home call form the resort, but since this we have not received any correspondance or mail as promised.

Personally, we would not have been too annoyed had we just purchased the first unit, as we would have used it for vacationing, but this guy looked at our family, with two young kids and pressured us into a second property with a loan at 15% APR with NO prospect of an income. I mean, why would anyone buy a second property there unless it was for investment purposes? This is a total rip off and they are willing to screw anyone they can to make the extra buck.

We are about to begin trying to get our money back from UVC for this time share as we feel they are allowing this improper practice to florish under their noses to maximise their profits and also that of their sales agents.

Simon *
Edmonton, Alberta

Company: Universal Vacation Club
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 404 Camino Del Rio South, Fourth Floor
Phone: 6196837440
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Villa Del Palmar Flamingos Nuevo Vallarta
Timeshare Sales Scam

Universal Vacation Club
Resort Com Int. - Villa Del Palmar Flamingo, unethical & fraudulent representation RIPOFF

Villa Del Palmar Flamingos - Villagroup
False sales infromation to get you to buy timeshare

Velas Vallarta Resort / Agent-Jason / Elizabeth Sinclair
The agents are con artists at this resort and misrepresented the rental and investment opportunities. Anyone who bought this timeshare try to return it asap if possible., CP 48354

Mayan Palace Vacation Club
Vida Vacation Club Sales representative did nothing but lie and deceive us into purchasing a Mayan Palace Timeshare

NH Krystal Cancun
Uses lies to sell times

Grand Mayan Resort Puerto Vallarta Mex
Consumer Report

Universal Vacation Club
Unethical, high pressure, fraud, false promise you name it Universal Vacation Club guily of all of these

Universal Vacation, Resort.com, Villa Del Palmar Flamingo's Puerto Vallarta
Universal Vacation, Resort.com, Villa Del Palmar Flamingo's Puerto Vallarta BUYERS BEWARE! Villa del Flamingos and Universal Vacation Club BUYERS BEWARE!

Mayan Resort
Consumer Report