United Professional Management
Never use this company!

Construction & Repair

After reading another complaint about this company, I now believe I was ripped off too. My rent money of $1300 was stolen out of the "locked" box where we were to put our rent money. I had my suspisions that the landlord stole it, but had no proof. Eventhough I still don't have proof, I strongly believe that I was taken advantage of. My stolen rent money caused me to be evicted, and I battled courts and collections for over a year. They tried to get me for over $9000. I now pay collections $150 every month until my $3000 debt to collections is paid off! I'm paying for an apartment I'm not even living in! If anyone else has had a negative experience with this company, pleassse contact me so that perhaps myself (and anyone else who got nailed) could have a fighting chance against them!!!

Company: United Professional Management
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Boulder
Address: 4990 Osage Dr. C-100
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