Neil Construction

Construction & Repair

I am interested in anyone who has been financial damaged by Neil Construction in Cleveland Ohio. If you have been damaged and want to discover how much of a voice you really have you need to contact me Kathy at 2165096158. I can share with you the remedies that are available under the law. There are several websites you can voice your problem and discuss the damage that you have incurred. This company has a history of several complaints by consumers and if you look into the Cuyahoga common plea court website you can find how many lawsuits this company has been involved in and if you want to know if this man has filed a lien on your property you can go to the Cuyahoga county recorders website and see the liens that this company ha filed against home owners. Cuyahoga county is surrounded by several other counties and each county has to be google to find the lawsuits and liens filed in those counties.

Company: Neil Construction
Country: USA
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