Copeland Marketing
Took $600, no help in selling timeshare Daytona

Construction & Repair

I was taken for $600. I tried several times to contact the company. Total no show. We do not deserve this kind of treatment. We should get a refund from these crooks.

Company: Copeland Marketing
Country: USA
State: Florida
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Copeland Marketing Corp
I paid copeland marketing $899.00 to sell my timeshare. They took my money and ran

Copeland Marketing Corp
Has had my timeshare for 3 years, they called me everyday for a month to get me to sign up with them, and after they got my money, I haven't heard a word from them in 3 years. They are a rip off!

Copeland Marketing
Copeland Marketing Corp told me that they can sell my timeshare and paid them $400.00 processing fee

Copeland Marketing Corp
Charged Advanced commission to list Timeshare for sale. Ripoff

Copeland Marketing Corporation
Ripoff almost ripped off

Copeland Marketing
Larry Meadows I spent $800 for them to sell my timeshare, no results, no later correspondence after repeated initial aggressiveness

Copeland Marketing
Elite Marketing ripoff

Copeland Marketing Corporation
They took my deposit of $199. And did nothing. They are not answering my calls

Copeland Marketing Corporation
Advertising for sale of my timeshare/rental of Timberland/sell my timeshare

Copeland Marketing Corporation