American Signature Furniture
Denying Constitutional Rights

Construction & Repair

Fortunately, I was able to avoid the unhappiness experienced by all these other individuals. I arrived at the door of American Signature after dropping my wife off there to shop for a table. I was greeted by a sing that said "No firearms allowed on the premises—we provide a safe environment for our customers". As a private citizen with a lawful concealed weapons permit I have carried a gun for more than ten years. The fact that I deal daily with felons and other dangerous individuals is unimportant. I am legally permitted to carry a gun by the State of Florida and as a Citizen of the United States.

Do they think criminals will stop at the door and turn back when they see that sign? Instead, only law abiding individuals like myself will walk away.
In two hours, we had spent our money elsewhere.

When I called the store manager to tell him of the results of his rule, I was told this is a corporate policy overwhich he has no control. I would encourage anyone who values their Second Amendment Rights to boycott this store and all others in this company. They have a right to post this sign and I have a right to go to another store and spend my money—a right that I chose to exercise.

Company: American Signature Furniture
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 7463 W. Colonial Drive
Phone: 4075810949
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