Mike McDevitt
McDevitt Homes Liar, Default on warranty, No follow up, scam artist... Loooooooose

Construction & Repair

Mike Mcdevitt promised us that he would take care of all of our concerns at our final walk through and then never followed up on any of them. We are now stuck with shabby work, concrete replacement at our expense, footings sinking, windows out of square, and a bunch of other siding, nail pops, insulation, sheet rock, paint, etc. Mike McDivitt is a looser that could not run a pickle wagon let alone a building co. He is a failing company that has been cut in half and is decreasing in staff daily as they are falling apart. Do not do business with this child as he will shaft you and run. He is a child and you should not do business with anyone under age.

Company: Mike McDevitt
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Lakeville
Site: mcdevitthomes.com
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Mike McDevitt McDevitt Homes
Mike McDevitt Mike McDevitt, McDevitt homes failed to hold true to his word. Lakevill

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Ripoff dennis mcdevitt aka debt relievers

Debt Relievers, AKA Dennis McDevitt
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Law Office Of Dennis Mcdevitt - Debt Relief
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The Law Offices Of Dennis C. McDevitt
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TSW International
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Mike yeninas a.K. A mike luhen stiffed me and ripped me off completly left me with nothing liar scam artist