Copeland Marketing
Total ripoff did nothing no advertising no sale of timeshare

Construction & Repair

Advertised that the sale would go quick. After one year I have seen nothing. Unable to find advertisement anywhere. Stay away from this company, they will only take your money.

They are lucky I don't live closer because I would love to talk to them face-to-face.

Company: Copeland Marketing
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Daytona Beach
Address: 1470 West International Speedway
Phone: 8002690143
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Copeland Marketing Corporation

Copeland Marketing Corp
Charged Advanced commission to list Timeshare for sale. Ripoff

Copeland Marketing Corporation
Filing complaints against Copeland Marketing Ripoff

Copeland Marketing
False statements and promises, dishonest, fraudulent representation of selling timeshare. Ripoff

Copeland Marketinf Corporation
Copeland marketing corporation ripoff took money for services never rendered

Copeland Marketing Corporation
Fraudulent Listing Agreement of Timeshare Sale Ripoff

Copeland Marketing Corporation
Ripoff fraudulent timeshare resale company

Copeland Marketing
Copeland Marketing Corp told me that they can sell my timeshare and paid them $400.00 processing fee

Copeland Marketing
I was lied to and scammed

Copeland Marketing Corp
Bonnie Quick (so-called) Convinces Us Vacationers Seek Popular Mexican Riviera Vacation Timeshare Rentals Ripped-off VacationWeeks False Foolish Fraud