Gardners Choice
Ripoff deceptive company fraudulent ripoff business is how I feel about this company taking my money and not delivering what they promised

Construction & Repair

I ordered the trees in good faith and i expected to be treated the same way.

When companies treat people like this it gives mail order business a bad name that most of them do not deserve.
I was shocked to see all of the unhappy consumers online complaining about this compamy.

Clarence, Iowa

Company: Gardners Choice
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Hartford
Address: RIb 8005
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Gardners choice
Gardners Choice sent money received no trees Hartford

Gardners Choice
Gardners Chioce is a fraudulent ripoff company. Hartford

Gardners choice
Gardners Choice is a ripoff company that makes false promises

Gardners Choice
I ordered stuff from Gardners Choice almost a year ago, is has already been paid for on my credit card. I have never received the plants fraudulent ripoff business Hartford Minisota

Gardners Coice
Gardners choice, A big RIPOFF

Gardners Choice
Ripoff fraudulent ripoff business

Gardners Choice

Gardners Choice
Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud

Gardners Choice
Consumer fraud ripoff victimized many consumers

Gardners Choice
Ripoff for trees not sent, double order/check was cashed Hartford Michigan