JD Mavel
Ripoff ripoff

Construction & Repair

I ordered strawberry plants 2 months ago and they cashed my check but there are no plants yet.

menominee, Michigan

Company: JD Mavel
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: Dept. 721-109 Box 3270
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Cottage Farms
Selling Dead Plants

J.D. Marvel Products

Spring River Nursery
Ripoff I ordered 12 Lavender plants from an ad in my local newspaper for $22.95. The check was cashed and I have no plants

I ordered plants from this company 8 weeks ago, they cashed my check but I haven't received any plants & no response

Gardners Choice
Gardeners Choice ripoff Hartford

Spring River Nursery
I ordered lavender plants from sunday paper, paid 22.95 on 4/19/04 cashed my check didn't receive plants

Gardeners Choice
Gardeners' Choice ripoff I ordered Tomato Plants that I never received, but check cashed

Spring River Nuseries
Ripoff sent me dead plants

Spring River Nurseries
Ripoff - cashed my check and didn't send the plants I ordered

Spring River Nurseries
In 2005 I ordered lavender plants to be sent to SLC, Utah. On Mother's Day, I learned that the plants were never sent to her but they cashed my check to pay for the plants. Ripoff