Jim Walters Homes
Ripoff signed papers 2 years that 6 mos house would be done not

Construction & Repair

In 2004 we bought too homes from jim walters. They had told us in 6 mo. The houses would be finished for us to take over and finish due to the fact they were one street over from each other. Well the time had passed and not even a call or a call back. I was told that it was in permiting and they couldn't do any thing. Well that was a lie after i told them that i worked with permits and checked the story changed. To much to list but been thru 5 or 6 people who were top people but no responce DO NOT BUY A HOUSE FROM THESE PEOPLE PLEASE...

Company: Jim Walters Homes
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Myers
Address: 2570 Colonial Boulevard
Phone: 2399360804
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