Solar Source Electric. LLC
Precision Solar Solutions EXTREME CAUTION - Thieves who prey on elderly

Construction & Repair

Please Use Extreme caution, these people have ripped off hundreds of thousands of dollars and need more... Yours!!!

Please refer to Arizona Register of Contractors complaint # 3037 - In RoC legal Dept pending hearing.

Here is the 3 TV Gary Harper report...

The person responsible Chuck H. Jr. Has a long list of ripping people off. (See business names used bottom of page.) I am here because justice is slow moving and more people are being taken. This man, if he had put together a plan to repay the past clients and make things right would never see me again... BUT that is not the case, he (his son I believe) even tried to file a complaint against me with the RoC but that back fired and now is part of the complaint against them.

The forge documents, work without proper licensing, use legal contractors and expose them to liabilities and leave them to fix their mess. Their first electrician had to declare bankruptcy because of what they did. They believe their own lies which makes them dangerous and unrepentant criminals.

Their newest victim, Ted may or may not know of the wreckage of Chuck's past but the police do and so do I. Chuck, You used my license and personal (business) information long after a cease & desist was sent. I will not back down until you are in jail. I will be at the RoC hearing with 17 clients who will testify against you and the list is growing.

Oh yeah - EnerBank, they will be there as well, seems you lied and forged documents to them as well... Are there legal proceedings against you??? Are you trying to fend off everyone w / bankruptcy? Good luck with that one...

Http://starpas. Azcc. Gov/scripts/cgiip. Exe/WService=wsbroker1/names-detail. P? Name-id=L16873994&type=L.L.C.

Http://starpas. Azcc. Gov/scripts/cgiip. Exe/WService=wsbroker1/names-detail. P? Name-id=L16608020&type=L.L.C.

Http://starpas. Azcc. Gov/scripts/cgiip. Exe/WService=wsbroker1/names-detail. P? Name-id=L17492464&type=L.L.C.

Company: Solar Source Electric. LLC
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
Address: 1702 W University
  <     >  


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