Fry's Electronics
Bad Service

Computers & Services

Not Recommend to buy anything from FRY'S all the parts or compones are used and return by another stores.
Everytime i brought someany went home and try it that once not working go to return the service guy just put down customer unwanted (UW) that is so bad that why some guy said they are good service but you don't know that will resale it just low down the prices for couple dollares but BBB rated A should be somebody paid to get A from BBB

Company: Fry's Electronics
Country: USA
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Don't sign up for free trial! They will keep your card and keep charging you every 3 months!

First National Credit
Thanks report

Electronics reviews
Electronics reviews

LG Electronics
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WuYi Tea Source, Living Lean
WuYi Tea Source & Living Lean WuYi Tea Source shared my credit card numbers with another unsolicited company, Living Lean, who also charged my card The Site Says Las Vegas, They Said My Order Shipped From Canada Internet

Different prices on same items at different locations

Fry's Electronics In Dallas Texas
Return too bad your problem not our problem

Entertainment reviews
Entertainment reviews and complaints

Entertainment & Communications
Entertainment reviews and complaints

Hearthside Distributors
Company return policy never to help customer