Blue Hippo
Didnt receive free products

Computers & Services

They explained I'd get a free colour printer and free camera after buying my dell notebook however they didn't deliver something. The amount isn't any longer operating.

Company: Blue Hippo
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Port Arthur
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Blue Hippo
Blue Hippo never gave me the laptop I paid for

Blue Hippo

Blue hippo / digital camera
Stealing from my account

Blue Hippo

Blue Hippo Funding
I was scammed and mislead for over a year waiting on a DELL desktop and printer from Blue the meantime, they were still either taking or trying to take money from my checking account

Blue Hippo
Rip off

Blue Hippo
BlueHippo Funding LLC and BlueHippo Capital LLC Blue Hippo in Bankruptcy

Blue hippo Bluehippo
Blue hippo MAY have started under this new name and number!

Blue Hippo
False advertisment and lies

Blue Hippo
Ripoff never received camera and printer after pay off