Education software for Acupuncturist

Computers & Services

I have spent the past 4 weeks trying to load the Qpuncture software into my laptop.
THe key given by the company to me doesn't allow for installation.
I have called, emailed, faxed, written a letter, left voice messages and spoken to someone
named Sunny who promises to help as soon as she stops driving.
We are a huge Acupuncture association in Canada and cannot get assistance
for this companies product. How many students and practitioners have we recommended
this too? FAR TOO MANY. Avoid them.

Company: Qpuncture.com
Country: USA
State: All Country
City: Anaheim, California
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Heather Lounsbury, L. Ac. Acupuncturist Acupuncture
LiveNaturalLiveWell.com Heather Lounsbury - Extremely Negligent, Irresponsible and Greedy Acupuncturist with Very Unsafe and Reckless Acupuncture Practices

Mike Harvey
Instant Cash Empire Software does not work. Won't even load the site My server expert says written wrong can't work Secret

Farstone Technology
Worst company and worst software products I have ever seen during the past 30 years

DigiCel FlipBook 2D Animation Software
Stay away from this animation software!

Gear Box Computers
Gearb Bought Folder Vault software, company is not providing support, not responding to emails Brook Internet

Micro Center
Good sales, horrible customer service

Led Sign Company
THE Took our money for a sign and software with laptop and then filed bankruptcy

Individual Software, And Scene7
Individual Software And Scene7, sell defective product and do not provide the technical support promised

Clark Consulting
Fraud by Pareto Logic and their Safecart software program

Equipment Leasing Association, Canadian Finance & Leasing Association
Not interested Toronto Ontario