Kymaro Body Shaper

Clothing & Footwear

Beware!!! Those great TV commercials are a front to commit fraud and abuse on innocent viewers. After watching those faked commercials, I called the 888 number, only to be sucked into purchasing additional items at a "low cost". Well, that low cost was really a handling charge - something they did not discuss at the original purchase. They NEVER explained that if I was dissatisfied with the products and returned them - that Kymaro would in fact KEEP the $9.95 for each item. WHAT A BUNCH OF CROOKS!!! I paid $79.70 for a low-rent commodity, and refunded only $29.95. These people should be run out of this country. Do not dial the number and purchase nothing from these crooks!

Company: Kymaro Body Shaper
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
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Kymaro Body Shaper
Kymaro does not refund purchase price if product is returned

Kymaro Body Shaper
What a scam

Kymaro body shaper - Kymaro body shape

Does kymaro make a shaper that you can wear with strapless garments. - Kymaro body shape

Kymaro body Shaper
It' s a scam - kymaro body shape

New Body Shaper - Kymaro

Kymaro Body Shaper
They totally ripped me off through false advertising

Complaint - Kymaro New Body Shape

Kymaro Body Shaper
Where are the 'free' body shaper sets?

Kymaro body Shaper